Key Considerations When Shopping For a Solar Panel

Two men installing new solar panels on the roof

Solar panels are a great way to have a steady source of power while reducing your electricity bills and carbon footprint. There, however, are a number of factors you need to take into account when shopping for the panels that will best suit your needs.

When in need of a solar panel installation in Nicholasville KY, trust only Synergy Home Solar. Here, we discuss the key factors you need to consider when shopping for a solar panel.

Panel Type

Before undertaking a residential solar installation procedure, it is important to do your research. Know the different types of solar panels such as thin film, monocrystalline, and polycrystalline. Each has its own advantages to help you determine which suits your needs.


The most important consideration when shopping for a solar power source is its performance. A solar inverter installation, for instance, can help to boost your system’s power output. It also helps you stay on top of your utility grid and detects faults in your system.


When installing a solar panel system for home improvement projects, always consider how much power the solar panels can generate versus the overall power consumption you have on a regular basis. Will the solar panels be able to keep up with your consumption level?

Overall Cost

You can’t go purchase a solar panel without first considering if you can bear its cost. However, keep in mind that whatever you spend today on your solar panel installation cost, will eventually pay dividends in the form of the savings you will rake in tomorrow.

Panel Size

A solar panel system generates more power per square meter. As such, you need to consider how much space you have available on your roof. When looking at your panel options, remember this aspect as it can affect your overall configuration.


Of course, there is also the issue of compatibility. You can’t have a successful solar system installation if it isn’t compatible with your mounting system. On top of that, you also have to take into account just how much sun your target area receives. Otherwise, you won’t be able to maximize your system’s potential.


Consider just how much maintenance your new system is going to need to perform as intended. Fail to stick to a steady maintenance routine and you’ll be on the fast track to a costly

solar panel replacement procedure.

Synergy Home Solar is the solar installation company you can turn to for dependable services. We cater to everything from solar panel installation to maintenance and repairs. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment!